10 Good Things – Week 1

This is the first of my 10 Good Things posts!  I’ve had quite a busy week – from panicked deadlines in the early hours of Monday morning, to a field trip Tuesday, Halloween party Friday and surprise work shift to cover for a friend on Saturday – so have a fair bit to choose from for this week’s post. I find that keeping busy is so important in keeping my mood lifted, as it gives me lots of little things to take pleasure in.

  1. Published my first blog post! And it’s been viewed multiple times! Feeling very proud of myself
  2. Eventually finished and handed in my dreaded proteins assignment
  3. Made it in for a 9am lecture (unusual occurrence) AND stayed awake all the way through (practically unheard of!)
  4. Managed to track down a missing parcel from home. Now that I have my walking boots at uni with me, I can’t wait to sign up for Mountaineering Club trips.
  5. Grandad got the letter I sent him, which will hopefully have made him smile.
  6. Made my Halloween costume, including a red ruby necklace from cardboard, tin foil, PVA glue and red food colouring. Who knew a science student could be so creative?!
  7. Finally got around to food shopping and laundry, the situation was getting desperate…(!)
  8. The clocks went back! An extra hour of sleep is always welcome!
  9. My brother turned 18 and Dad tells me that his birthday party went well (my brother was still sleeping off the hangover at 6pm and therefore unable to comment! Bless…). I was sorry that I couldn’t make it home for the party, but glad he enjoyed himself.
  10. Lastly, one of my classmates came to talk to me about depression, after noticing a Facebook post of mine that mentioned antidepressants. It turns out she’s going through a tough period herself, and she was impressed that I was so open about it. It was good to chat to her about the problems we’d both faced, and reminded me again that there are so many people who struggle despite appearances – she always seems very together in lectures.

So, there’s the summary of my week. How was yours? Please add your own comments below with good things that have happened to you this week 🙂